1. Team Score:  1 BB Gross + 1 BB Net.  Scratch Skins.  Low Gross & Low Net wins a skin each day.  Low Gross & Low Net cannot be the same player on day of play.  If there are ties for Teams, Low Gross or Low Net, the winner is determined by USGA playoffs rules - last 9,6,3,1.

2. Will draw for missing player in a foursome before matches and player can then buy into 2nd team for $5

If a person leaves before collecting their winnings, the winnings go to the TD (Chapman) to help pay for our Website.

4.  Official Rules of Golf apply, except as modified below
      A.  Must putt everything out
      B.  Must record total score on every hole if in low gross or low net (otherwise, max of two over Net)
      C.  No Club limit
      D.  "One inch" rocks - player may play ball as it lies or with a penalty of one (1) stroke,
      drop the ball within 2 club lengths of where the ball crossed the margin of the area of
      "one inch" rocks no closer to the hole
      E.  Free drop from divot in own fairway
      F.  Ball will be played down except during transition period in Fall and Spring

5. Player handicaps are calculated using the World Handicap System and GHIN.

6. The Standard Payouts are shown below.  Minor adjustments may be required to balance the books and keep all payouts in full $ amounts.

Chelsea Tee Time Bookings & Changes

It is simple, I, Leon Chapman, manages all of the Chelsea tee times for Chapys Golf Group.
Here is the Chelsea Tee Times RULE:
1. All Chelsea Chapys Golf Group Bookings and changes need to come thru me - Leon Chapman
Do not go to Chelsea and change a booking in Chapys Golf Group.   
Most of the time, I have extra players that can fill a spot if you have to drop out.  If you drop yourself out of Chelsea, then someone outside of our group will fill that spot and deny one of our players from playing.